do you split 8s against a 10 kahoot login The other day, with HiLo TC at +2, DD game, after 2nd round to 2 players, and a $125 bet out, I received a pair of 8's against a 10
tangtem And yes, sometimes you'll split and lose both split hands and then start second guessing yourself as to why you split in the first place But listen up The In blackjack, a pair of 8s can be a challenging hand to play Do you split them or hit them? In this video, we'll show you the best
banana slot789 With a total of 10, it is much better to double a pair of 5s than split You should double this pair against 2 through 9; otherwise, just hit This is why holding a 16 against a 10 is the worst hand in blackjack However, when your 16 is a pair of 8s, you have an out, namely splitting,